Cooperate to Innovate

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Communities
  • Devolution
  • Localism

Can cooperative localism provide the basis for a radically new approach to creating thriving local economies?

This event launches the findings of a policy commission on community resilience, jobs and enterprise undertaken by the Cooperative Councils Innovation Network (CCIN).

In the context of an ailing centralised system (best exemplified by the Work Programme), the Commission examined cooperative approaches to tackling labour market exclusion and building fairer and more enterprising local economies. The findings complement the current debate on devolution to city regions, but focus on the challenges and opportunities closer to the surface of local communities.

The Commission report calls for a series of cooperative ‘deals’ with citizens, business and central Government to build an economy and a system of employment, skills and enterprise that is underpinned by social partnership, gives localities real power and unlocks the potential and creativity of citizens.

Panel to include: Cllr Lib Peck, Leader of Lambeth Council and Chair of the Commission; Kim Hawthorne, Apprentice at Sandwell Council; Simon Fowler, Partnership Registrar at John Lewis and chair of the Employee Ownership Association; and Stella Creasy, Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow.

Chair: Ben Lucas, chair of Public Services at the RSA

Venue: Durham Street Auditorium

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