The Millennials Debate

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Economics and Finance
  • Digital
  • Technology

Join our panel as they ask: Will the entrepreneurial drive of the Millennial generation shape the zeitgeist for the first half of 21st century, harnessing transformations in the way we live and work to drive up productivity and living standards? 


RSA Debate

Can the Millennials be the bearers of a new era of productivity and entrepreneurialism that will help resolve the current economic crisis?

These young people have grown up in a radically changing consumer landscape, have witnessed a dramatic shift in power from producer to consumer, are connected and empowered by technological change and the social web, and yet, crucially, face an uncertain and, for many, insecure economic future.

Will the entrepreneurial drive of the Millennial generation shape the zeitgeist for the first half of 21st century, harnessing transformations in the way we live and work to drive up productivity and living standards? And, if so, what implications does this have for how we approach economic crisis and policy?

Speakers to include: Martha Lane Fox, the UK’s Digital Champion, founder of Go ON UK, founder of Luckyvoice and co-founder of; Madsen Pirie, founder and president of the Adam Smith Institute; Ed Howker, journalist, broadcaster and co-author of "Jilted Generation: how Britain bankrupted its youth"; and Adam Lent, director of projects, RSA.

Chair: Matthew Taylor, chief executive, RSA

Read the Report

Generation Enterprise

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