Time's Up! A Movement for Change

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Arts and society
  • Leadership
  • Social justice

The conversation around gender equality is changing rapidly.

The ‘Weinstein effect’ has seen revelations of pervasive sexual assault and exploitation come to light across the world, sparking the #MeToo and TIME’S UP campaigns aimed at giving women a voice in tackling systemic injustice. The voices of women in Westminster and the BBC are becoming ever louder, and the pushback against the President’s Club shows a new paradigm is taking shape.

We are living through a watershed moment, and must think about the best ways to address the imbalances of power that make women vulnerable to discrimination and harassment. The calls are growing ever louder for women to be better represented in the workplace, socially and economically empowered, and protected against abuse and assault. We have seen how a few voices can inspire a global movement.

But how can we channel the appetite for change into progress that is representative of a broad range of experiences? What are the barriers to change and how can we overcome them? How can we sustain the momentum behind this movement? And what part can men play in achieving gender justice?

Panel to include: Laura Bates, bestselling author and founder of Everyday Sexism; Helen Pankhurst, activist, author of Deeds not Words and great-granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst and Sophie Walker, Founding Leader of the Women’s Equality Party (WEP).


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