Networks of Outrage and Hope

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Social networks
  • Global

Leading sociologist Manuel Castells examines new social movements, new forms of change and political democracy in the global network society.


RSA Keynote

In our time, multimodal, digital networks of horizontal communication are the fastest and most autonomous, interactive and self-expanding means of communications in history. From the Arab uprisings, to the indignadas movement in Spain, to Occupy in the US, the networked social movements of the digital age represent a new species of social movement.

Leading scholar of our contemporary networked society, Manuel Castells, visits the RSA to shed light on these movements, and to examine their formation, their dynamics, their values and their prospects for social transformation.

Speaker: Manuel Castells, University Professor and Wallis Annenberg Chair of Communication Technology and Society at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Chair: Professor Charlie Beckett, founding director, POLIS

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