Breaking Male Rules

Public talks 1 Comments


Durham Street Auditorium, RSA House

  • Behaviour change
  • Mental health
  • Social brain
  • Health & wellbeing


What does it mean to be a man today?

Although there is still much work to do, there is a growing public awareness of the need to counter the negative stereotypes that have traditionally limited girls and women. But less is being done to question the accepted rules of masculinity.

From school years and adolescence to adulthood and older age, boys and men encounter unique difficulties. These are frequently overlooked because of society's expectations of how men should behave. Boys are three times more likely than girls to be suspended from school, four times more likely to have behavioural difficulties, and men make up 95% of the prison population. We are in need of a significant cultural shift in order for men and boys to break free of these destructive patterns and find greater fulfilment and happiness.

Join author Rebecca Asher and our panel at the RSA to explore where these problems come from, and what can be done to address them - for the benefit of us all. 


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