Strong Arts, Strong Schools

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Education
  • Creativity
  • Schools
  • Arts and society

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What role can arts and cultural learning play in creating a truly rich education for all children?

In our evidence-hungry education system, amidst continued debate over how to measure the benefits of a culture-rich education, have concerns about proving the value of the arts been a distraction from ongoing improvement?

The RSA, together with the Education Endowment Foundation, is currently investigating the difference made by cultural learning to pupils’ academic achievement and character development. But what else do the arts offer schools and their students? How can we get better at understanding those benefits and ensure that evidence of what works makes its way into wider practice?

Join us at the RSA on 23rd May to hear from artists and educationalists, who’ll be sharing their ideas about why schools should be interested in the arts and how we should be looking to understand their impact. We’ll also be launching our Cultural Learning Evidence Champions’ Network - a national network committed to increasing the use of evidence-rich practice in arts and cultural learning.


Sponsored by Bank of America, Merrill Lynch

The RSA/ EEF partnership ‘Learning About Culture’ is centred on a set of randomised control trials across some 400 schools, seeking to measure the impacts of arts and cultural education on a range of pupil outcomes. The intention is to develop more evidence of what works and support schools and cultural organisations to use that evidence, as well as evidence from their own work and elsewhere, to continuously improve their practice.


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