Solving the World’s Problems Differently

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Economics and Finance
  • Creativity
  • Global
  • Social innovation
  • Technology

Don Tapscott, one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation and the economic and social impact of technology, shows how new global non-state networks are offering powerful new solutions for cooperation, problem solving and governance.

RSA Keynote

The growing problems of the world - from climate change, conflict, poverty, water scarcity, infectious disease to economic stagnation -  are not too hard to solve.  Rather progress is stalled because our model is insufficient.  The good news is that traditional state based institutions such as the UN, the International Monetary Fund or the G8 summits are being supplemented and even eclipsed by non-state networks of civil society, the private sector, government and individual stakeholders.

Call them Global Solution Networks.

Until now, little has been done to evaluate what makes these networks tick, how they succeed or fail, what impact they have and how they address the tough issues of legitimacy, accountability, representation and transparency. In an exclusive event at the RSA, influential author, adviser and strategist Don Tapscott shares some initial conclusions from a multi-million dollar study he is leading about how new patterns of connection can fulfil their enormous potential in fixing a broken world.

Speaker: Don Tapscott, chairman, Moxie Insight, member of World Economic Forum, adjunct professor of management, the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and Martin Prosperity Institute Fellow.


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