Where Do We Find the Generative Capacities for Hope?

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Communities
  • Social justice
  • Spirituality

We are living in an age of uncertainty and disruption. Rapid global, social and technological change offers the promise of greater freedom, empowerment, creative expression and choice to expanding numbers of people around the world.

And yet many millions more are denied access to the fullness of human flourishing. Across the globe, we continue to witness tides of conflict, economic and social volatility, alongside widespread evidence of increasing levels of inequality, vulnerability and atomisation.

Amidst this uncertain terrain, where do we find sources of the kind of hope that can generate positive action and progress for humanity?

For Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, the answer to this question is located first and foremost in the good of the human person, with an awareness that this good is only fully realised in practice through our social relations.

At the RSA, Cardinal Nichols offers a politics of the common good as a more human, more hopeful, relational social and economic paradigm - a creative practice that values and secures individual dignity and freedom, while offering a model for human interaction and activity that is equitable and just.

Cardinal Nichols will be joined in conversation by renowned sociologist Richard Sennett.