How Inequality Gets Inside Our Heads

Public talks


Great Room, RSA House

  • Mental health
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Social justice
  • Social mobility

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Putting inequality back at the centre of public debate, acclaimed social epidemiologists Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson reveal how more equal societies reduce stress, restore sanity and improve everyone’s wellbeing.

Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett's The Spirit Level has been one of the most influential non-fiction books of the last decade, showing how less equal societies fare worse than more equal ones across a whole range of social measures - health, education, levels of violence, life expectancy and child wellbeing - and initiating the significant public attention now given to the impacts of inequality.

Now they visit the RSA to share insights from their new follow-up work, The Inner Level, which shows the impact that inequality has on individuals: how it affects us psychologically, makes social relations more stressful, undermines self-confidence and distorts natural differences in personal abilities.

Arguing that societies based on fundamental equalities, sharing and reciprocity produce much higher levels of wellbeing than those based on excessive individualism, competitiveness and social aggression, The Inner Level sheds important new light into how we should organise the way we live together.

Please accept our apologies, but due to building works currently taking place at RSA House we are unable to offer step-free access to this event. Please contact us if you have any further access queries, and don’t forget you can watch the event live online via our YouTube and Facebook Channel.


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