Licensed to Create

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  • Education
  • Teaching

Licensed to Create is a collection of essays from some of the leading thinkers in education. 

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Ten authors offer their unique perspective from practice, policy and academia on how we can improve teacher quality. Over recent years the education world has begun to recognise teacher quality as one of the most important factors through which to improve student outcomes.

Labour’s Tristram Hunt recently proposed a teacher re-licensing scheme as a way to improve quality by encouraging teachers to continue to develop their professional learning and expertise over time.

The RSA has brought together a wide range of perspectives to explore this idea: Tracey Burns and Kristen Weatherby (OECD), Dylan Wiliam (IoE), David Weston (Teacher Development Trust), Alison Peacock (Headteacher), Tom Sherrington (Headteacher), Philippa Cordingley (CUREE), Debra Kidd (Teacher), Lorna Owen (Teacher), Charlotte Lesley (MP for Bristol North West) and Tristram Hunt (Shadow Secretary of State for Education).

The RSA makes several recommendations over time:

  • Empower a new Royal College of Teaching to introduce a teacher licensing scheme.

  • Manage through a peer-reviewed portfolio process and involving the subject associations.

  • Build ‘capacity for disciplined innovation’ into the teacher and headteacher standards.

  • Trial Design Thinking in Initial Teacher Education and Early Professional Development.

  • Recruit more teachers with design-related degrees and not only to teach Design and Technology.

  • Develop a new ‘creative professional development’ offer for talented teachers who commit to teaching in a school in a challenging area, which includes a ‘term out’ sabbatical.

pdf 432.4 KB


Picture of Joe Hallgarten
Former Associate

Picture of Louise Bamfield
Associate Director, Education

Picture of Kenny McCarthy
Kenny McCarthy
Project Manager and Production Leader

Picture of Selina Nwulu

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  • I think we need to set these initiatives in the future, rather than the present or the past. In other words, we need to be clear why these initiatives are required. Future generations require very different skills and knowledge to thrive and without a major shift in teaching capabilities we are not going to be able to meet this demand. Creativity, innovation and collaboration are now essential, both as inputs and outputs for our next generation teachers and the education system we need to build.

  • I agree with Andy Bayley, I think there is a critical need to be mindful of higher education where as he states the teaching process is just as critical. In Higher Education we need to acknowledge that teaching practice is a foundation to keep us all relevant in times where disruptors are offering a range of other offerings and where many are starting to self source knowledge from a range of other providers, or sources without understand the deep dive that ambiguity needs within the safe environment of learning for innovation to embraced.


  • Fully agree with the ideas and comments but we also need to be mindful of higher education where the "teaching process" is just as critical. I would probably argue that at his stage of development the need for creativity in both approach and the material being taught is paramount for preparing students for working life and the business environment. How you use the information shared and knowledge gained provides a level of understanding, the key is in the application in the working environment. Knowing what to do when you don't know what to do and there is no apparent answer (certainly not in a textbook!) is the route to success.