New Tech and the Power to Create

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Enterprise
  • Creativity
  • Technology

What challenges and opportunities do new technologies pose for the ‘power to create’? How can institutions adapt to these changes? How will the world of work have to adapt, and how can we learn from reform in previous eras?

The RSA’s work is increasingly focused on the Power to Create which it defines as the ability to ‘turn your ideas into reality’. To explore this further, the RSA is publishing a series of policy papers in 2015 looking at how the Power to Create can be spread more widely throughout society. This event launches the series and the first Power to Create report which looks at how new technology can be turned to enhancing ‘inclusive social mobility’. The report has been sponsored by Google.

Anthony Painter, the RSA’s Director of Policy and Strategy and co-author of the new report, presents a set of major new institutional ideas, and Labour MP for Walthamstow Stella Creasy responds.

Based on an RSA survey into creativity, these policy proposals are designed to help ensure that not only ‘confident creatives’ but the ‘held back’ and others can thrive in a context of rapid technological change – a process likely to accelerate further in the coming years. 

Read the report online