RSA Rawthmells: Art with... homelessness

Fellowship events


Rawthmells Coffeehouse (RSA House), London

  • Creativity
  • Creative Institutions and Systems
  • Accessibility & inclusion
  • Public Services & Communities
  • Communities
  • Community engagement
  • Arts and society
  • Rawthmells
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

What role does art play in combatting the homelessness crisis facing society today? Join speakers from the Big Issue, Accumulate and a PHD student from The Royal College of Art in a conversation facilitated by artist Degard FRSA for Rawthmells, The RSA's 21st century enlightenment coffeehouse.

ART with…’ is a new series of talks curated by artist Degard FRSA from the Royal College of Art for Rawthmells coffeehouse at The RSA. The series will explore the crossover between the arts and other disciplines.

For the first event in the series, Degard will explore ‘ART with… Homelessness’. She will be joined by speakers Stephen Robertson, CEO of The Big Issue Foundation, charitable arm of the magazine The Big Issue that has been offering a ‘hand up’ to homeless people for over 25 years, Marice Cumber from Accumulate, an RSA Catalyst funded organisation who empower homeless youth through creativity, and Shaun Doyle, a PhD student at The Royal College of Art who has incorporated living outdoors into his artistic practice. 

In a ‘Parkinson’ style conversation the speakers will discuss homelessness and the role that art can play in therapy and rehabilitation, in generating awareness, and in creating public and private spaces to combat the homelessness crisis facing society today. We’ll explore the art created by participants in Accumulate’s programmes and featured in the Big Issue magazine, as well as exploring the effect that living outside has had on Shaun’s artwork, and why he chose this route as an artist and researcher.

If you fancy something to eat before or after the event, or a drink to enjoy whilst you listen, Rawthmells coffeehouse (in RSA House) is open from 8:30am to 9pm and serves coffee, cocktails and food all day, with profits supporting The RSA’s social change programmes.


Other events in the series include:

Tuesday 2nd July: Art with... cybersecurity. Tickets here.

Tuesday 3rd September: Art with... politics. Coming soon!



To find out about other Fellowship events coming up in London, please click here

Please click here for Rawthmells accessibility statement. Please note that wheelchair access to The Steps is currently restricted whilst we await the delivery of a custom-made platform. Please get in touch to discuss access via [email protected] or call Rawthmells Events and Programme manager on +44 (0)20 7451 6937 for more information.