Placing Sustainability at the Heart of Housing

Public talks 1 Comments


RSA House, London

  • Architecture & built environment
  • Design
  • Cities
  • Housing
  • Public services
  • Social mobility

Architect and urban designer David West and Grainia Long, chief executive, Chartered Institute of Housing join a panel to discuss how we can build the homes and local environments that Britain needs.

In an increasingly challenging economic landscape, how can we tackle the ongoing housing crisis and help to strengthen communities across Britain?  The RIBA Future Homes Commission has conducted an inquiry into the quality of newly built housing. Following consultation with the housing sector, local government, institutional investors and the public, the findings of the Commission’s year-long independent inquiry were published in October 2012.

How can we make the case for further investment in our living environment and involve local people in decisions about planning and design, encouraging cohesive and sustainable communities? With a focus on design, resourcing and consumers, an expert panel will discuss the creation of better housing for the 21st century.

Panel: David West, Studio EgretWest; Roger Graef OBE, RIBA Future Homes Commission; Grainia Long, chief executive, Chartered Institute of Housing; and Nabeel Hamdi, emeritus professor of Housing and Urban Development, Oxford Brookes University and author of 'The Placemaker's Guide to Building Community'.

Chair: Lynsey Hanley, writer and commentator.

Find out more about:

RIBA Future Homes Commission

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