New Commission to examine school accountability, governance and admissions policies

Press release

  • Education
  • Schools

The Academies Commission opens its call for evidence, and invites parents, teachers, heads and other stakeholders to contribute directly to the first major study of the new schools landscape emerging since the Coalition Government made it quicker and easier for schools to set up or convert to academy status.

The Commission lays out five themes it will examine in its work:

  • What are the levers and barriers to school improvement within a totally academised system? How can achievement be secured for all pupils within such a system?

  • What are the likely implications when academies start to use their new freedoms to their full extent?

  • What are the implications of an academised system on admissions?

  • What is the impact of diversification and mass academisation on existing academies and schools?

  • What are the key issues concerning governance, accountability and due diligence within an academised system?

Chair of the Academies Commission, Christine Gilbert, said:

"A radical change is taking place in English education. Nearly half of all secondary schools, and a growing number of primary and special schools are becoming academies; and new free schools, UTCs and studio schools are emerging too."

"The scale and speed of change are unprecedented and there couldn’t be a more important time to explore the implications and likely impact of this expansion.  We must give serious thought to how academies will use their freedoms, work together, admit students, and be accountable."

"The Commission is setting out to assist Government as it tries to tackle these difficult questions, so that the academies programme delivers on its promise of a better education for every child."

For more information see the Academies Commission website

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