Matthew Taylor on government response to his Review of Modern Working Practices

Press release

Commenting on the government’s response to his Review of Modern Working Practices, Matthew Taylor, Review author and chief executive of the RSA, welcomed the government's response, stressing the good work agenda must now go up a gear for government, businesses and unions alike.

Matthew said:

“The government has given a comprehensive and substantive response to my Review.

I welcome the range of specific commitments to improve the protections and rights of workers and to enforce those rights more strongly. 

On important issues, including pay for variable hours workers, employment status and representation of workers I welcome the direction indicated today, but there is more work to be done to encourage the Government to be bold in living up to its commitment to good work for all.

The Review is complete and the response has been delivered, but the good work agenda must not slow down but go up a gear: not just for central Government but business, unions and many other organisations - including the RSA - with a role in making that vision a reality."



Ash Singleton, RSA head of media, [email protected], 07799 737 970.


Next steps for good work:

Workers' Educational Association speech, 20th February 2018

Following his independent Review, Matthew will set out the next steps for the good work agenda in a major speech to the WEA on 20 February, 1800h at RSA House.

For more information or to accredit, please email [email protected].

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