Mini-Budget 2020: Future Work Centre statement

Press release

RSA Future Work Centre on Budget 2020

Commenting on the Mini-Budget 2020, Alan Lockey, head of the RSA Future Work Centre, said:

"The Government’s support for young people out of work is welcome and much needed. But we will need to go much further if we are to prevent this crisis scarring their work and life chances in the long-term. The pandemic requires a much more activist approach to the labour market – as well investment in work coaches, we need to a Jobcentre Plus that functions much more as universal redeployment service, transferring and training people towards good jobs in sectors where demand can be grown. We also need more money in adult skills and lifelong learning, where policies like personal learning accounts could make a real difference.

"We are also deeply concerned that the looming cliff-edge when the furlough scheme winds up in October will see sharp rises in unemployment, as many businesses face-up to a nightmarish outlook. There are many local economies – including the Chancellor’s own constituency – which rely on growth from small businesses in the tourism or hospitality sectors. Businesses and people in these communities need safety-net support as well as stimulus. 

"The Chancellor should explore a more targeted approach for such rural communities – with a more flexible furlough scheme extended beyond October and a basic income that puts money in economically vulnerable peoples’ pockets, quickly."



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