Unleashing Metro Growth: Final recommendations (Spanish)


  • Cities
  • Global

The power of cities in creating positive economic and social change is increasingly recognized across the world. City governments are facing the challenges posed by demographic shifts, climate change, pressures on public finances and economic uncertainty.

Read the Recommendations (English language)


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In light of these global trends, the work of the City Growth Commission gained attention abroad and the UN invited City Growth Commissioner Ben Lucas to speak at the Habitat World Cities Conference 2014 in Bogota, Colombia. This event enabled us to not only to contribute to the debate about city-led growth, but also to learn from other countries about how they are meeting the challenges of urbanisation and sustainable economic development.

After initial discussions and an exchange of ideas with the Economic Secretariat of Bogota, several urban policy experts from Latin America as well as RSA fellows, it became evident that the City Growth Commission addressed issues that are not only of importance for UK policy makers, but are at the heart of metro economies across the world.

Therefore, we have cooperated with the Economic Secretariat of Bogota to translate our final recommendations into Spanish.

You can also read Ben’s blog, providing a summary of the Conference.