Adopting Global Skills Innovation for the UK


  • Adult education
  • Further education
  • Skills
  • Vocational education
  • Public Services & Communities

What can the UK learn from the rest of the world to improve our skills?

Facing a crisis of productivity, improving technical and vocational education (TVET) and skills provision has never been more important to Britain.

For this report the RSA and WorldSkills UK, supported by the Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL), found inspiring examples of innovation in skills from around the world to help improve UK policy.

We explore case studies in four places: Switzerland, Shanghai, Russia, and Singapore.

From these and other examples we found the ‘key success factors’ for the UK to consider were:

  • Stakeholder-led, locally rooted governance
  • No dead ends
  • High quality, high status
  • Vision setting and movement building
  • Learn and innovate

We hope that these principles can help build on existing innovation and good practice in the UK Further Education sector.

Download Adopting Global Skills Innovation for the UK (pdf, 0.7 MB)

Read Atif Shafique's blog on the report, What the UK can learn from global innovation in skills

pdf 794.2 KB


Picture of Atif Shafique
Associate Director, Public Services and Communities (Sabbatical)

Picture of Anna Dent
Anna Dent
Employment and skills policy & implementation specialist