Can good work solve the productivity puzzle? Collected essays


  • Future of Work
  • Economics and Finance
  • Employment

Produced with Carnegie UK Trust, this essay collection explores in depth the relationship between productivity and work quality.

The UK’s “productivity crisis” – the flatlining of economy-wide productivity since the global financial crisis – is the single most pressing issue facing the UK economy. Understanding this productivity problem is a fundamental challenge facing UK economic policymakers today.

This volume brings together a collection of essays exploring in depth the relationship between productivity and work quality, and considering the role of good work in meeting this challenge.

The collection gives voice to perspectives from policy, business, academia and trade unions, as well as contributions ranging from a UK-wide angle to a specific focus on how this agenda is being taken forward in Scotland, Wales and in North East England.

With a foreword by Andy Haldane, Chief Economist at Bank of England and Chair of the Industrial Strategy Council.

Download the essay collection (2.1 MB)


Picture of Andy Haldane
Chief Executive, the RSA

Picture of Matthew Taylor FRSA
Former RSA CEO

Picture of Sarah Davidson
CEO, Carnegie UK Trust

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