Inclusive and nurturing schools toolkit


  • Education
  • Schools
  • Teaching
  • Youth engagement

Over the last 11 months, in partnership with the Mayor of London, we have investigated how schools, multi-academy trusts (‘trusts’) and local authorities can engage in early intervention work to become more inclusive and nurturing and reduce the number of formal and informal exclusions.

This free toolkit guides schools, trusts and local authorities to:

1. Identify opportunities for change

The toolkit shares exercises that will allow leaders and teams to consider:

  • What is happening where you are to support pupils at risk of exclusion and/or those excluded, and their families?
  • Which agencies and individuals could be key partners in creating change?
  • What are the drivers of, and barriers to inclusion and nurture in your setting?

2. Learn from others

The toolkit highlights eight case studies of promising practice from across England with ten commonly occurring features that have evidence of positive impact on inclusion and learner outcomes.

The schools, trusts, and local authorities featured in the case studies have all been on a journey towards greater inclusion and nurture and are continuing to work hard to improve themselves.

The case studies highlight aspects of their practice that practitioners believe have made a significant impact in this journey and can be adapted to other settings.

3. Adapt approaches to work in your own context

A theory of change is a great way to describe what you are trying to achieve and how you will get there. The toolkit provides a framework for developing a theory of change for your inclusion and nurture practice.

4. Reference other relevant resources to move to implementation

This toolkit is one of many resources available to support you in your inclusion and nurture journey – we have done our best to signpost you to other resources that can complement insights from this toolkit.

To download the free toolkit, enter your details in the form below.


Download the toolkit

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