Interim report - Citizen Power Peterborough: one year on


  • Communities
  • Community engagement
  • Public services

The report highlights the progress made towards the programme’s aims; thinking radically about how citizens can be encouraged to become more self-reliant, more engaged with running public services, and more active in improving their local communities.

In the coming years, Peterborough must face numerous challenges which include reduced public spending, tackling entrenched problems from anti-social behaviour to obesity while at the same time rising to new challenges such as climate change and increased pressures on social care. 

At time of writing, the project had six strands of work all addressing priorities identified by the local authority and its residents:

  • Working with five schools on the creation of the Peterborough Curriculum, which seeks to encourage higher levels of civic participation amongst pupils, parents and develops learning in partnership with local organisations.
  • Launching a series of projects, which are building ‘green skills’ amongst citizens while bringing waste land back into use
  • The development of a new civic commons where people are being trained and supported to tackle local problems like anti-social behaviour and social isolation.
  • A new approach to drugs services where people who misuse drug and alcohol are being asked to co-produce services and develop a network of ‘recovery champions’.
  • A programme of arts and social change which supports local artists, raises awareness of the arts, engages local citizens and provides a firm foundation for developing a sustainable arts offer for the city.
  • Developing a sustainable network of Change Makers in Peterborough – a diverse group of individuals committed to driving positive change across the city.

Recommendations include:

  • Schools being embedded in their local communities.
  • Civic commons which will allow local people being involved in tackling the issues they care about.
  • A confident and well-funded arts community.
  • A greener city driven by Peterborough's desire to become the Home of the Environment Capital.
  • A holistic model of intervention that is able to tackle multiple needs. 


Picture of Rachel O'Brien
Rachel O'Brien

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