Policy with Impact


  • Leadership

Designing good policy isn’t easy. And in an era of ‘wicked’ problems, fast changing expectations and ever evolving technology it’s only getting harder.

Our Policy with Impact report imagines what a policymaking system capable of facing these challenges might look like. Produced in collaboration with the Centre for Public Impact (CPI), it argues that policymakers need to be empowered to think more holistically about policy problems, better able to consider a broader range of factors that determine whether a policy will succeed or not.

We introduce ‘think like a system, act like an entrepreneur’ as a guiding principle for future policymakers. By harnessing the tools of digital, data, design-thinking and more policymakers should work to build a rich systemic understanding of the policy area they hope to influence. Using this insight policymakers can identify the opportunities with the most potential of achieving impactful and sustainable change.     

The report looks to give fresh impetus to a much-needed conversation around the kind of policymaking approach suitable for the 21st century. While changing the way that government operates can be punishingly slow, it is only through discussions like these that we can hope to shift to a system more fit for our times.   

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Picture of Jake Thorold
Research Assistant

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