How can private finance be a lever for green housing and energy in Belfast?


  • Economics and Finance
  • Climate change
  • Housing
  • Localism
  • Energy
  • Environment

In a participatory roundtable in May 2021, the RSA, Octopus Group and Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) brought together key stakeholders from Belfast and further afield to explore options and strategies for delivering systemic impact in the city’s housing and energy systems through private investment.

The aims of the session were to:

  • Explore challenges and opportunities for private finance to be a lever for change in Belfast.
  • To identify a set of priority areas where next steps could be taken in Belfast.
  • To identify opportunities for Belfast to inspire and inform work in other UK cities.

This paper follows summarises the discussion from that event, paired with the findings of some supplementary desk research. It outlines some of the distinctive local challenges and opportunities for green housing and energy and specifies some priority next steps for pursuing this agenda in Belfast.

Download the report (PDF, 382KB)

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