Snapshots of insecurity: an exploration of personal values and economic insecurity in 2021

Policy briefing

  • Economy, Employment & Design
  • Future of Work
  • Economics and Finance
  • Employment

Britain is divided. We often hear of a new gap in our shared values, and of a widening inequality. But new analysis from the RSA shows that there is consensus on some issues – like giving citizens a greater voice, tackling climate change, and reducing regional inequalities.

Through fresh data analysis, we have created seven ‘snapshots’ of insecurity in the UK – showing that much of the public faces extreme precarity, and others, financial stability.

Our three insecure groups have issues unique to them: the progressive working class - deep-seated money worries and a perceived lack of opportunity in their surroundings; the discontented right - concerns about job security and a lack of agency in the workplace; and in the metropolitan precariat - over-work, and fluctuations in regular pay.

In response, we are calling for the government to act: to retain the uplift in universal credit, provide greater protections for good work, and to devolve employment and welfare policy.


Further reading

pdf 417.5 KB


Picture of Will Grimond
Media and Communications Officer

Picture of Ash Singleton
Former Head of Media and Communications

Picture of Anthony Painter
Former Chief Research & Impact Officer (CRIO)

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