Transforming together: leading for people and place


  • Public services

Working with six local authorities from across England and Wales, the Transforming Together project sought to understand the key factors that contribute to successful partnerships.

Over 2017 the project team met with local authority leaders, their teams, and organisations that work in partnership with them. The public sector partnerships that were successfully innovating shared a number of characteristics. Their work was underpinned by a desire to help make their places better for their citizens, and was characterised by a focus on each organisation’s role in the wider systems within which they were operating, as well as on the change they wanted to achieve.

The Transforming Together Framework captures the most important actions the leaders in councils were taking with their partners to achieve significant collaborative innovations.

Download Transforming Together (PDF, 500KB)


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Picture of Joan Munro
Joan Munro

Picture of Ian Burbidge
Former RSA Head of Innovation and Change

Picture of Jack Robson
Senior Business Development and Partnerships Manager

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