Student Design Awards winners: Bridging the divide

Brief 3: How might we harness social media to bridge societal divides by supporting social connection, collective action and reducing polarisation?  


  • Hacked! - Izzy Tippins, Ella Coldray (Watson), Jared Appleton, University of the West of England, England

Commended entries

Winner: Hacked!

A board game for 8 -11 year olds that educates and informs youth on the ways algorithms can shape our everyday lives, and how to combat them.

Youth are increasingly online and consuming content on the internet from a young age with little understanding of how algorithms shape their experience of social media platforms. Hacked! is an educational board game with an accompanying teacher pack that can educate young children (8-11) on what algorithms are, how they work and how they affect the information we consume. The game is designed to be an interactive, collaborative and fun approach to unpacking the topic of misinformation and can be used to supplement existing curriculums on internet safety and digital literacy.

Izzy Tippins, Ella Coldray (Watson), Jared Appleton

BA Graphic Design, University of the West of England, England

Twitter Award of £2000

Izzy's work
Jared's work 
Ella's work

Commended entries

Highly commended

An image of the prepair platform and a parent and child looking at their phones
Amirul Firdaus Bin Sani, Joselin Piay Jia Min and Yuan Lynn Tai 
LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore

PrePair: An educational and fun parenting tool to encourage the practice of healthy cyber-habits, preparing the future generation of children and parents for a safer online environment.

Highly commended

A visual of the COSM platform on two phones

Hanna Hoch, Brunel University London, England

COSM: A virtual world designed to connect community members and support the local economy by promoting online and offline interaction via digital gameplay.


 Highly commended

An image of a man wearing the ambient device in his ear
Tianli Hu, Brunel University London, England

Ambient: A smart wearable device that deters polarisation in social media using technology and sound to prevent impulsive actions led by negative mood.


With additional support