Student Design Awards winner: Hello Hampton!

WINNER: Brief 6, A platform for joy - How might we unlock joy for people at train stations?

‘Hello Hampton!’ involves the residents of Hampton Court in a process to co-design themed stained-glass windows to be displayed and fitted to the structures of Hampton Court Station whilst providing a unique sense of identity and joy.

Hampton Court station, like many stations across the country and the world, are unrepresentative of their communities. Through community workshops, local residents are given the opportunity to project their voice through colour and shape to arrive at designs for stained-glass windows which celebrate and share the experiences of local residents. Through the display of these windows, Hello Hampton! brings local residents into the fore, adds joy to the unique environment of Hampton Court Station and sheds light on the hidden gems of Hampton Court.

Ella Kenyon, Chay Reuby & Saffron Lee  

Kingston University  

RSA Fellows Award of £1000  

Ella’s work

Saffron’s work  

Chay's work
