Student Design Awards winner: Insight

WINNER: Brief 1, AI 100 - How might we use AI to support people to reach a happy, meaningful and productive one hundred year life?

‘Insight’ is a product and service proposal which uses AI to enable detection of Alzheimer’s. It also assists patients by providing guidance and support post-diagnosis.  

One person in the UK is diagnosed with dementia every three minutes (, 2017) and over half of the people who have dementia, might not know they have it (NCIB, 2020). Insight allows the user to take a photo of their eye and helps to analyse it. It’s a product and service design proposal which gives peace of mind to those at risk of Alzheimer’s through early detection and provision of guidance post-diagnosis. 

Lalith Sanathi

Loughborough University

Philips Award of £1000

Lalith’s work
