Student Design Awards winner: Re-Foresting

WINNER: Brief 5, Branching Out - How might we harness broad-leaved woodlands and their resources to increase their local economic, social and environmental value?

'Re-Foresting’ is a systemic approach to mobilising local woodland resource. This ambitious project proposes 9 model villages set along the M62 corridor that encompass woodland growth, ecology and healthy places, whilst addressing the climate crisis and supporting the British timber industry.

Currently there are two major tree diseases in the UK. The Forestry Commission is actively seeking to plant more diverse commercial forests to remove the risks associated with diseases and monoculture forests. Re-Foresting takes a whole system approach to mobilising woodland resource and proposes nine model villages set along the M62 corridor. These villages will grow and harvest diverse forests in order to build timber homes. Re-Foresting encompasses woodland development, ecology and healthy places, whilst addressing the climate crisis and supporting the British timber industry. 

Simon Feather

Leeds Beckett University

John Makepeace Award of £1500

Simon's work

Additional support