Student Design Awards winner: Transform

WINNER: Brief 2, Cultivating Community - How might we reimagine common spaces to build diverse communities through food?

‘Transform’ rethinks the concept of a community centre and proposes a kitchen and ecology centre that brings people of all ages together to build new skills, participate in allotment gardening and learn about healthy eating.  

In the UK, social isolation is growing alongside a lack of cultural connection, unhealthy eating and lifestyles, and too few spaces to bring communities together. Transform redesigns the concept of a community centre and proposes a community kitchen and ecology centre in Northampton as a base for learning experiences including sensory gardens, allotments and healthy eating. It aims to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together to socialise and learn new skills related to food production, gardening and healthy eating.

Almas Meghani

University of Northampton

L&G Award of £1250

Almas' work
