RS US Future of work

RSA US Future of work

Since 2017, the RSA US has been developing a Future of Work practice to support regional innovations in good work, economic security and inclusive growth.

In 2018, based on our work designing an Inclusive Growth Accelerator for Chicago, we published Inclusive Growth in Action to support places in raising their level of ambition to operationalize strategies and interventions for inclusive growth. In Pittsburgh, we hosted a Future of Work Summit to bring together Fellows and practitioners working on a new social contract for economic mutualism.

In New Jersey, our former Chief Executive, Matthew Taylor, was appointed by Governor Murphy to the Future of Work Task Force, which outlined a set of recommendations to better prepare the workforce for innovations in technology and automation. We are now working with The Workers Lab and the Office of Innovation for New Jersey to design and scope an accelerator for a stronger and fairer economy in New Jersey through a set of interventions that advance worker voice, wellbeing and power.

In 2020, the Autodesk Foundation commissioned research to understand the nature of Covid-19 on a changing workforce, identify labor market risks, and map global future of work solutions, including innovative ventures and policies. Lastly, our focus on tech and society is leading us into important conversations with Silicon Valley leadership around how to inject 21st century humanism into technology development, worker policies, civic engagement, and a new social contract for business.

Future of Work

Helping everyone, regardless of background or starting point, find good work in an age of technological change.

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