Emily Chiappinelli

Emily Chiappinelli is the Experience Designer for RSA US

Emily works as a consultant for RSA US, designing and supporting Fellowship programs, and deepening the connection mechanisms for the Fellowship community. Her evolving focus is currently on the mentorship program, the city hubs, and the Ambassador program. 

Emily’s background is in community organizing, impact measurement, and organizational design. She tends to enter into different projects at the start-up phase and helps them to grow into their next level of actualization. Past projects have included helping to develop and launch a citywide better business campaign in New York City while working for B Lab, the body that certifies socially- and environmentally-responsible businesses as B Corporations; growing the community, values, and organizational infrastructure at the classical music community platform Groupmuse; and designing impact measurement systems for organizations and entrepreneurs while working for different social impact consulting firms. She has longed for more accountability, transparency, and regenerative ambition from the public and private sector for many years, and is banking on the next paradigm for humanity being just a spiritual revolution away. 

Emily lives on a large tract of land in eastern West Virginia where her current main focus is doing organizational and programmatic design for a permaculture initiative at a spiritual/educational center. When she finds a free moment, Emily can be caught sneaking off to practice archery in the fields or decompressing from capitalism in the forest. 
