RSA Animate - Re-Imagining Work

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  • Employment
  • Creativity
  • Technology

Dave Coplin imagines what might be possible if more organisations embraced the empowering potential of technology and encouraged a truly open working culture

How can we get people more engaged, more productive, and happier at work? Is technology part of the problem – and could it also be part of the solution? Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer at Microsoft, imagines what might be possible if more organisations embraced the full, empowering potential of technology and encouraged a truly open, collaborative and flexible working culture. Taken from a talk given by Dave Coplin as part of the RSA's free public events programme.



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  • I think this video briefly talked about the ways to re-image work process with techonologyies in order to be more prodective.

  • yes this is great but I would also like companies to do the same with truly Open Innovation.