Debra Kidd on an Educational (R)evolution

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  • Education
  • Adolescence
  • Creativity
  • Curriculum
  • Further education
  • Schools
  • Skills
  • Teaching

 Debra Kidd is a teacher and author of Teaching: Notes From the Frontline

Author and teacher Debra Kidd argues that education has become fixated on conformity and compliance at the expense of creativity. What might be done to reform the system from the bottom up?

Should teachers resist the shackles of narrow government thinking and become 'pedagogical activists' in their classrooms?  Is teaching with deep moral purpose at heart the way to create empathetic, engaged and creative citizens of the future?

Speaker: Debra Kidd, teacher and author of Teaching: Notes From the Frontline
Chair: Selina Nwulu, writer and researcher, RSA Education

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  • I am a teacher and I am finding my class are more and more disengaged with learning, and more concerned with 'correctness'. I love the idea of presenting learning objectives as questions and will be trying this out next half term. Thank you for the wonderful idea, I really hope it inspires a love of learning again.