David Brooks on The Importance of Character

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  • Behaviour change

Are you more focussed on your value to the marketplace, or on the integrity of your inner life?

In today’s culture of achievement, the drive for external success and attention is so fierce there's little time to cultivate inner depth. We're taught to be assertive, to master skills, to broadcast our brand, to get likes, to get followers. We’ve become a self-preoccupied society; and the noise, the fast and shallow communications, makes it hard to hear the quiet voices that steer us beyond our immediate needs.

New York Times bestselling author and one of the greatest thinkers of our time, David Brooks visits the RSA to urge us to reevaluate, and to confront the meaning of true fulfilment.

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  • Very impressive and it makes me reflect about myself and my direct environment. A bit difficult to understand though because David is talking too fast.