Martin Ford on the Rise of the Robots

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  • Employment
  • Skills
  • Technology

Leading expert on AI and the robotics revolution Martin Ford offers both an exploration of this new technology and a call to arms to face its radical implications.

The world is being transformed by a profound technological revolution, dominated by digital – a second machine age.

Earlier this year the House of Lords select committee on digital skills reported that we have reached at a critical juncture – where dependent on the actions we take now, the new digital age could either make or break the UK.

Digital technology is changing all our lives, work, society and politics. Over the next two decades, some economists have estimated that 35% of current jobs in the UK could become automated.

It is clear that unless we radically reassess the fundamentals of how our economy and politics work, we risk a future of massive unemployment and inequality.

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  • It was a development proposal, shared widely in 2004, that we's warned of the risk of exclusion leading to uprisings. Following the UK riots, veteran Marxist Eric Hobspawn argued as we had that in the current information age, people had become a redundant element of production.

  • It was a development proposal, shared widely in 2004, that we's warned of the risk of exclusion leading to uprisings. Following the UK riots, veteran Marxist Eric Hobspawn argued as we had that in the current information age, people had become a redundant element of production.

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