Alex Evans on How Stories Shape What We Believe

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  • Arts and society
  • Environment
  • Leadership

Watch Alex Evans, Senior Fellow, New York University's Center on International Cooperation, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event!

In this time of global crisis and transition – mass migration, inequality,  climate change – Alex Evans believes it is only by finding new myths that we will navigate our way to a better future. It is stories, rather than facts and pie-charts, that have the power to animate us and bring us together to change the world.

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  • Thank you Alex!
    I spend a day a month talking to school children about the evolution of humanity, biologically and socially. More than information, I try to inspire wonder and pride in what we have achieved, and add a concern that we might make a mess of it.

    We desperately need to build a myth for humanity, and life, for us to share.