David Goodhart on The Populist Revolt

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  • Economics and Finance
  • Communities

Watch David Goodhart, British journalist, commentator, and author, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event!

David Goodhart suggests that a new social division has been created: between the mobile ‘achieved’ identity of the people from Anywhere, and the marginalised, roots-based identity of the people from Somewhere. This schism accounts for the Brexit vote, the election of Trump, the decline of the centre-left, and the rise of populism across Europe.

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  • A compelling angle from which to tell the story of a divided nation - and it seems to be gaining traction. Eloquently referenced this morning in Canon Angela Tilby's Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4's Today programme http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08md6h8 (scroll to 1'51).

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