Matthew Taylor on The Importance of Good Work

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  • Economics and Finance
  • Employment
  • Health & wellbeing

Watch Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA and Chair of the Government’s Review into Modern Employment Practices, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event!

How do we improve the quality of working lives across our economy? Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA, asks whether the government, businesses, employers, employees, individuals and communities can come together to create an economy that offers people the opportunity of work that is decent, fair and fulfilling.  

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  • The fallacy of finding a work-life balance is that it implies we are not living when we are working. But work is where most of our time is spent! How limiting to see work as the place where we earn the money to live 'after work'. The solution may be changing the role of work in people's life: make work the place we go to grow, create workplaces that are a place of personal growth an make space and have rituals that foster this growth. This is a unique opportunity, as people look to find purpose beyond unsustainable consumption, we should aspire to get up and "go to grow", rather than "go to work". It's a great time to be thinking of the future of work and integrating its role in people's wellbeing.

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