How to be an anti-racist educator


  • Education

What does it mean to be anti-racist educator? And what does it take?

In recent months, the Black Lives Matter movement has heightened public consciousness of the extent to which racial injustice is embedded in all aspects of our society. As a new term begins, many teachers will be returning to the classroom with a renewed commitment to practising active anti-racism in their school community. But what does it take to make that commitment real? From behaviour to curriculum, what needs to be challenged, confronted, re-created? What tools and resources are available? And what is missing, overlooked, or denied? RSA education director Laura Partridge is joined by Zahra Bei and Rodeane Henry-Grant, Coalition of Anti-Racist Educators; Sarah Brownsword, lecturer in education, UEA; and Daniel Kebede, senior vice-president, NEU, to share perspectives on what we need now to turn the discourse of anti-racism into the practical, sustained, everyday actions that will be vital to securing a fair education for everyone.

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