Fashion Open Studio: valuing our clothes, protecting our planet


  • Design

How can we all play a part in changing our ‘fast fashion’ culture?

The fashion industry accounts for around 10% of global carbon emissions and a huge amount of pollution and waste. Sustainable fashion means change across the system: from how makers source and produce materials through to how we all consume and value clothing.

Designers and collectives across the UK are finding local solutions to a global problem and putting communities at the centre of the effort towards sustainable fashion. To mark Fashion Revolution Week and as part of their Fashion Open Studios programme, fashion designer Patrick Grant and local movement builder Zero Waste Leeds join the RSA to discuss how we can care for our planet by caring for our clothes. How can we produce and use clothes better, for the benefit of makers, wearers, and the environment? They explore the potential for UK production to boost local economies, provide good quality work, and create great clothing that people can love, look after, and keep in use for longer.

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