A British Future conversation about identity


Sunder Katwala is Director of British Future, an independent think tank promoting conversation about hopes and fears surrounding identity, integration, migration and opportunity.

Sunder Katwala is Director of British Future, an independent think tank seeking to involve people in an open conversation addressing hopes and fears about identity, integration, migration and opportunity.

Sunder was born in Yorkshire to parents who came to Britain from India and Ireland to work for the NHS. In this film, he talks about race and culture in Britain today, the work of British Future, the British Pakistani community identity, and citizenship issues within Britain today. He has worked as a journalist, was General Secretary of the Fabian Society from 2003 to 2011, a research director of the Foreign Policy Centre, and commissioning editor at the publisher Macmillan.

London Metropolitan University Cass Art School

Director: Suzanne Wakefield

Producer: Patrick Clopon


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