RSA Insights: Makerspaces

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  • Making
  • Manufacturing

This week the RSA publishes a new report that attempts to make sense of makerspaces – why they are emerging, what impact they are having on their users and communities, and what challenges they are likely to face in the future.

Benedict Dellot, Senior Research in the Economy, Enterprise and Manufacturing team, discusses the findings from the report.

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  • Great concept Benedict!  Kim with 3d printing now becoming mainstream this will definitely bring a resurgence to this.

  • Thank you for bringing makerspaces a bit more out in the open!

    We are focused on putting makerspaces in schools.  Although, the idea shouldn't seem so new.  Until 30 years ago they were called shop class.  Sir Ken Robinson, no stranger to RSA, calls for their return.  (We have a bit of a twist: we think we think we can do it for free.)  But today they have 3D printers, laser cutters, microcontrollers, and other modern tools.

    There is a master woodowrker in Arkansas: Doug Stowe, who writes a blog: that is philisophical about the connection between thinking and making and working with your hands.  I highly recommend it.  Doug teaches at a K12 independent school.  He has written a lengthy piece about how this connection works: Education Sloyd.

    Kim Brsnd

    Indianapolis, IN USA