Rutger Bregman on Radical Ideas and Why They Still Matter

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  • Behaviour change
  • Social innovation

We have taken huge steps towards tackling some of the biggest threats that have afflicted humanity throughout history, and in many ways our lives have never been better. So where do we go from here? Author and historian Rutger Bregman argues that in order to continue the march towards a better world, we need radical ideas and a robust vision of the future. The pillars of civilised society, once dismissed as utopian fantasy, became reality through people believing there was a better way – but what if our progress is hindered by our own dim view of human nature?

Voice: Rutger Bregman
Director: Stephen McNally
Animation: Jac Clinch & Diana Gradinaru

Extracted from a free talk given at the RSA in London, 2017. Watch the full replay here:

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  • Simple but strong messaged. True i think too!