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Health and safety statement - The RSA - RSA

Health and safety statement

RSA Health and safety statement

Responsibility for health and safety lies with the RSA’s Board of Trustees.

The day-to-day management has been delegated to the RSA’s Health and Safety Committee.

The RSA is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment and conditions for its employees, Fellows, visitors, guests and others engaged in RSA activity including contractors and partners, be it at RSA House, at internal or external events, client sites, or those travelling, working remotely, in a hybrid way, and/or lone working.

The RSA fulfils its obligation by:

  • Having a robust health and safety policy and procedures in place which are reviewed on an annual basis.
  • Bringing the health and safety policy and procedures to the attention of all staff.
  • Ensuring that all staff have the knowledge and competence they need to meet their individual and collective responsibilities to assist them in carrying out their work in a safe manner.
  • Undertaking regular risk assessments including, but not limited to, fire risk assessments, lone working, manual handling, working at height, legionella, asbestos, chemical storage, display screen equipment, and the hosting of external events.
  • Managing and mitigating the health and risks identified.
  • Appointing and training first aiders and fire marshals at RSA House.
  • Appointing and training mental health first aiders.
  • Arranging for the regular testing of equipment including, but not limited, fire alarms, fire extinguishers and electrical equipment.
  • Arranging for the regular maintenance of plant and heavy machinery including, but not limited to lifts, heating and air conditioning, water and supply equipment and kitchen equipment.
  • Having appropriate process in place for reporting and managing health and safety incidents and near misses.

The RSA’s health and safety policy is available, on request, by contacting

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