Quiz: What's your digital tribe?

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  • Digital
  • Social mobility

On the sometimes mean streets of cyberspace it’s always good to know who your people are. In the RSA's first Power to Create report "A new digital learning age" Anthony Painter and Louise Bamfield see the digital world as divided into five tribes: The Cautious Strivers, Aspirationals, Confident Warriors, Grounded Traditionalists and Wise Enablers. Take our quiz and find out which tribe you belong to.

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  • Curious, none of the five 'tribes' listed above appear in the taster report. Not one so it is quite hard to correlate the descriptions... It could have been though.

    • Hi Andrew, A fuller list of the tribes can be found in annex 1 of the full report, which can be downloaded here. Thanks, for pointing this out, we've now added how the results from the quiz map onto the report.

      Hope you had fun with the quiz!