Blog: ‘I’m a Teacher... Get Me Out of Here!’ - tackling England’s teacher shortage

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Why is there a teacher shortage and what can we do about it?

I have a confession to make. I am one of the 300,000 qualified teachers not working in a school. And, with a record 50,000 teachers leaving the profession last year, it appears this club has unfortunately gained quite a few new members. On top of that, half of those still in schools say they are considering leaving in the next 2 years.

And teacher retention isn’t the only problem schools are struggling with. The government has failed to hit its recruitment targets for 3 years in a row, with a 12% shortfall of trainees for this year. This is as pupil numbers start to swell, with nearly 900,000 more children expected to enter the education system over the next 10 years.

England is facing a teacher shortage – a recruitment and retention crisis (or “challenge”, if you're Nick Gibb). So far, the reaction from the Department for Education has not been promising. There are, for example, generous bursaries for the worst-hit subjects but concerns have been expressed by a few teacher educators that some of those trainees receiving these substantial bursaries have no intention of continuing teaching beyond their training year and merely see it as a relatively easy way to earn £30,000 whilst gaining work experience. On top of that, as Professor Andy Goodwyn points out, “throwing a huge amount of money at a few trainees doesn’t raise the profile of the profession.” Nor does it attempt to recognise why both potential and trained teachers are being driven away. And that is what many suspect to be the problem – the Department for Education just does not get it (or doesn’t want to).

The reasons behind both the shortfall in teacher trainees and what drives qualified teachers to leave are complex and varied (as is often reflected in John Howson’s excellent blog). And it isn’t only England suffering from this problem. But if the government wants to make steps towards solving it, it has to appreciate that a profession dominated by endless bureaucracy, targets, inspections and a high-stakes testing system, the results of which can be surprisingly unpredictable depending on the whims of examination boards, isn’t exactly an attractive proposition (as this article makes clear). What educator, passionate about their subject and the opportunity to share it with young people, wants to endlessly teach to the test, with no time nor reward for creative thought, for teacher or learner?

This is not to say that the teaching workforce is devoid of creativity – far from it. As exemplified by the teachers across our Family of Academies and beyond, many of those who work in schools aim to be creative educators. Our teachers, for example, have completely embraced developing their creative capacities through engaging with educational research and practising disciplined innovation, demonstrated by their involvement in the RSA’s Licensed to Create publication and Research Rich Schools resource. But they’re fighting against a top-down accountability system for which reform is long overdue and which many suspect to be a main driving force behind the current crisis.

RSA Academies, in partnership with the University of Warwick, are holding an RSA Event on ‘How do we tackle the teacher recruitment crisis?’ at 1pm on 26th November. Please click here to book your place.

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  • It is a shame that the professionals in education are unable to attend this interesting event as it is taking place in term time and in school hours. This would have made an excellent evening event or even more accessible if held this week as it is half term in most counties. Who will turn up on a Thursday at 1.00pm in term time? Not teachers, not those outside of London. The dates/ times of events like this need more careful consideration. 

    • Hi Sherry, you make a valid point - unfortunately, we were unable to make this an evening event this time but we hope to do so in the future for the reasons you highlight. Holding education events in the school holidays is also a good idea, so thank you for that suggestion. With regards to this event, you will be able to listen to the event live and, for those who can't, the recording will also be uploaded onto our website a few days later as a podcast.

  • This is definitely a concern that needs to receive more attention. I have experience of introducing many young people to work in the education system who would not have originally considered this is as a realistic career choice for them. Due to the experience they gain whilst working in schools as support staff, they know what is expected of them when they qualify as teachers. This addresses the recruitment and retention issues because they will have a longer life span in the sector. We need to look for alternative approaches because if we keep doing what we have always done, we will keep getting the same results.

    • Thanks John, I completely agree. Our RSA Academies' Teaching School Alliance ( recognises the benefits of the pathway you suggest, from support staff to teacher. 

      As you say, serious changes need to be made to how we are approaching this issue - other examples include making it easier for teachers to work part-time or take sabbaticals. Unfortunately, the government seems to be tinkering around the the edges of an issue that is crying out for innovative reform!

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