Giving a voice to citizens everywhere: The RSA Citizen’s Economic Council


  • Economic democracy

We’re so fortunate to work with such brilliant and hands-on partners on our Citizen’s Economic Council programme. Not only has their support been vital to the running of the programme, we have also benefitted hugely through their engagement and participation in our events. Read our highlights!

Economic Inclusion Roadshow – Birmingham

We were delighted to work in partnership with the Barrow Cadbury Trust, who supported two Inclusion Roadshow workshops with two of their community and grassroots grantees – Birmingham LGBT and Birmingham Settlement. We spoke to residents in Aston, Shard End and LGBT residents in Central Birmingham about the importance of creating a more inclusive economy. Both organisations continue to be engaged directly with the development of the overall Inclusion Roadshow report. The Roadshow has travelled across the country – you can find out more about what we discovered on our journey here.

 ‘The Econocracy’ Launch Event feat. Andy Haldane, Chief Economist of the Bank of England

Reema Patel, RSA Programme Manager spoke alongside Geoff Tiley at the TUC and Andy Haldane, Chief Economist of the Bank of England about the importance of engaging directly with citizens on national economic policy at the London School of Economics. The event launched the ‘Econocracy’ – a book authored by Joe Earle, Cahal Moran and Zach Ward-Perkins, which looks at the language of politics and policymaking and how this results in the majority of citizen’s being locked out of these discussions. ‘Econocracy’ explains how economics came to be seen this way and how the task of reclaiming the democracy can begin.

This event was supported by our partner, the Friends Provident Foundation.

Why not buy a copy of ‘Econocracy

Engaging Young People on London’s Economy

We’re delighted to have brought  together 25 young people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds with Fiona Twycross AM, Chair of London’s Economy Committee and Ododo Ediagbonya, Policy and Programme Manager of the City of London Corporation’s Economic Development Office on Tuesday 31st January. We’re very grateful to our partners Trust for London and Camden Council, without whose support this event would not have happened.

‘Participants were particularly keen to discuss the need for culture change to underpin economic equality.”

If you would like to know more about the Citizen’s Economic Council programme and partnership opportunities, please contact Project Manager Remma Patel at [email protected]

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