Work and AI: perspectives from Japan

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The future of work and the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) are hot topics in the UK, but what is the view from Japan – the home of advanced robotics and jobs for life? Tony Greenham reports from Tokyo.

In collaboration with RSA Fellows based in Tokyo, I have been on a tour of meetings and speaking engagements in the Japanese capital – the world’s most populous metropolitan area and ranked 3rd in the Global Power City Index 2016 after London and New York.

From a panel event with the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan to a breakfast roundtable at the British Embassy, with meetings with business leaders and academics in between, the themes have been the future of work, including the recent Taylor Review, and RSA research on labour markets and automation.

There has been enormous interest in the RSA’s work on these themes. But what I have I learned during my stay?

1. Artificial intelligence calls for real philosophy

In various ways, the discussion has turned to broader philosophical questions, which have arisen very naturally here as core concerns of policy and commerce. One discussant raised whether AI and robots would contribute to our understanding of the mind-body problem, and another raised the unresolved question of what we even mean by intelligence.

Ethical questions are never far away, with recognition that if the essential raw material of AI is big data, it is vital to reach social, and international, consensus on issues of data ownership and privacy. Some concern was expressed about a global race to the bottom, with some Japanese companies already offshoring activities to the USA, where standards around data privacy are lower.

2. Good corporate governance and economic democracy are key to harmony in a changing workplace

The social responsibility of companies has been a recurrent theme. The RSA’s view that technology is a tool that can be deployed for social good or harm depending on the purpose and intent behind it seems aligned with the conversation here in Japan. 

Japanese companies have traditionally seen it as a duty to provide stable long-term employment even at the expense of lower short-term shareholder returns. Managing trade-offs between public interest and private profit seems more accepted, perhaps expected, in Japan. Might this be a source of national competitive advantage in managing significant technology driven shifts in the workplace?

Several discussants have suggested that transparency in adoption of AI, and the close involvement of workers in guiding implementation, as well as greater efforts to inform and educate citizens about new technologies, are important roles for companies to perform.

robot origami

3. Whether in Japan or the UK, millennials are millennials

Millennials, or generation Y, the cohort born in the 1980’s and 1990’s, are often said to have a different attitude to work from their predecessors. They hold purpose and meaning to be more important, and attach less weight to status and seniority. A more fluid and entrepreneurial work life, with more frequent changes in job, are not just accepted but considered more desirable than a life based in one career or company.

This contrast is stark in Japan.

With a system still based on seniority over merit, and a work culture geared towards the team rather than the individual, how will self-employment and entrepreneurialism fare?

Younger people, especially students, are embracing the gig economy and are more demanding of their employers when they do enter full-time permanent employment. But if ‘start-up’ entrepreneurial culture is taking root among the young, their parents seem to be unimpressed, generally exhorting them to get a ‘proper job’.

Life can indeed be hard for younger people without permanent jobs, with access to housing and the stability needed to start a family seeming distant. But again, with London’s chronic and acute affordability crisis keeping younger Londoners in insecure and expensive housing, these are familiar problems.

I found very little awareness here of more radical ideas about empowering workers and increasing economic security beyond the job contract, such as Universal Basic Income, although the idea was listened to with great interest.

Ultimately Japan’s daunting demographics – the workforce of 65 million is expected to drop to 42 million by 2050 – is already leading to a shortage of young recruits. So my money is on Japanese working culture evolving to give greater respect and status to diverse career paths, including self-employment and contract work, which are currently seen as second class despite accounting for 40% of the workforce.

4. The role of woman in the workplace is changing slowly – culture change is needed

Compared with the UK and many other countries, gender equality in the workplace in Japan is poor. Expanding equality and diversity faces many challenges that are not entirely unfamiliar in the UK. The Japanese work ethic, which leads to punishing overtime among the traditional Salarymen, stands in the way of family life it seems, unless there is a full-time carer in the family (almost universally a woman) to look after not just children, but increasingly ageing parents too. Childcare is expensive and scarce, and the career advancement dilemma still faced by young parents – but especially women – in the UK is much sharper in Japan.

There is some political commitment to changing this, as well as great work on diversity by some pioneering institutions, but ultimately what might drive change is that demographic shift. Even with the advent of robot helpers in many occupations, an increase in the participation of women in the workforce seems essential.  If family life is not better supported as part of this, might the already declining birth-rate become even more problematic?

5. Optimism prevails about the ability of AI to complement human abilities rather than destroy jobs

Ultimately, I have experienced a refreshing optimism about the potential of technology here in Tokyo. Much of the talk has been about how automation can complement human abilities, enhancing the experience of work and the scope for creativity.

The RSA’s core theme of a national commitment to high quality work in the UK finds complete agreement here. I have heard in one major corporation about the importance placed on the happiness of employees, and a general view has been expressed that fulfilling work is a cornerstone of a good life.

With one of the highest levels of life expectancy in the world, there is also recognition here that the ‘learn-work-retire’ formula of the post-war period simply has to change.

The 100 Year Life, co-authored by RSA Fellow Lynda Gratton with Andrew Scott, has really captured the imagination in Japan. The book argues that if increasing longevity is to be a blessing rather than a curse, we need to radically restructure our approach to lifelong learning and our work-life balance.

So despite its reputation for being slow to change, perhaps the extent of the demographic shift in Japan, and the wider gulf between the traditional workplace model and the requirements of the 100 year life, will mean that these challenges are addressed with greater determination and urgency here than in other countries.

Either way, we hope that the RSA, through the combination of globally relevant UK based research and local engagement by Japanese Fellows, will become a valued participant in public discourse on the future of work and artificial intelligence in Japan.

 I’d like to thank Tania Coke FRSA for leading co-ordination efforts in Japan, and for Lauren Orso in the RSA Global Team for valuable background research for the trip.

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  • An interesting read! I have to admit that as much as I feel excited about the AI technology, I also feel a bit intimidated by it. This 5th point was truly an optimistic point and something we should all hope for, however... I can't shake off the feeling of dread when I remember that the greatest of our time have been constantly warning us about the AI possibilities - Hawking, Musk, Gates...

    A friend of mine has just got an interview with a Japanese company. He looked for a job in Tokyo online, and as I understood he didn't stand a chance of getting that job, that's how much the job description for an accountant has changed today from what it was just a decade ago. What are we to expect in another decade?!

    @Graham Thomas - You also have some fair points and sound quite optimistic. Let's hope you guys are right :)

  • Part 1

    I felt the headline of the article was slightly misleading as what I read was more about the workplace generally than robotics and AI in particular. Not that this made the piece less interesting.

    My main point is that the Japanese working economy is far more nuanced, flexible and frankly interesting than presented here, one that stretches from heavy industry such as shipbuilding to the 94 year old carpenter and his family that built our house. And because of this, it has (since the 1960s) and will embrace robotics more quickly than elsewhere without seeing this as a further step in the destruction of society. There will be no Swing Riots in Japan. Instead robots and AI will be seen not as a necessary evil but will be encouraged. 

    In fact there is a lot that the UK can learn from Japan about how to create a flexible work force that has people not struggling or living on the margins or in penury.

    My brother-in-law is a treasured calligrapher; many friends have their own businesses from hospitals to specialist pet food manufacturers to yakitori restaurants.  A friend twenty years ago was working full time as a builder’s labourer. Now he has a thriving animation business. It is easy to be anecdotal but I would argue that this is as much the norm as the white shirted salaryman slaving behind an aged PC and sending documents by fax. (And I think the statistics bear this out.)

    Yes of course there is still significant employment by major corporations. Yes, kids still go to cram school (hopefully to our friend’s, the single mother, who owns one) and just like in the UK there is still the right route to the top: the right school and university. But to say that entrepreneurs or the self-employed are seen as second class and discouraged is incorrect. OECD data show that the self-employment rate in Japan is 11% compared to 7% in the US and 15% in the UK. Certainly these figures don’t take into account the high proportion of the work force (as noted some 40 per cent) that are irregular workers or on short-term contracts, which many take as a lifestyle choice.  In other words this segment of the work force is increasingly the norm rather than being the outcasts.

    This has not led to the issues that were forecast a few years ago or that millennials face problems with housing as mentioned in the article. There is a glut of housing across Japan, and more than anywhere else, the single person market is catered for with many small housing units made available. The notion of sharing does not exist among the young because they can rent their own place. In central London it would be impossible for a young single nurse to rent her own place; in Tokyo that is exactly what my niece does. For a long time, Japan has been a place with cheap public transport, cheap places to eat out, and the ever-present convenience store. For young people it is a cheap place to live. In other words structurally, society is set-up to be affordable. 

    Would we say that the UK is like that?

  • In addition older people are already important in the workforce. Those who would otherwise be retired are taking up much of the slack of the shrinking workforce. Compared to the UK, older people are far more active: whether in full or part-time employment or through volunteering efforts (a real and working example of the Big Society). In 2016, Morgan Stanley calculated that labour force participation in Japan for men aged 65 to 69 was 54 per cent, and for women 32 per cent, which is higher than most other developed countries. It will only get higher. And in my experience, whereas workers in the UK bemoan the fact that they will have to work longer, this is not the case in Japan. 

    Where I do agree is that within the large and established corporations the problem that career women face is an issue that needs to be tackled far more quickly than at present. In some enlightened Japanese companies this is happening already; the influx of employers such as Google will undoubtedly help to accelerate this trend. Perhaps even the foreign financial and consultancy firms in Tokyo will now change their bad practices and act as a catalyst for change.