Reinventing Work Network: Reinventing Ourselves?

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  • Picture of Paul Neville
    Paul Neville
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Leadership
  • Social innovation

News from the new steering group of the Fellow-led Reinventing Work Network, including an invitation to contribute to the future of the Network. 

We would like to introduce you to your new coordinating group and update you on what we have been up to lately.

Lorraine Flower, David Hewlett, Sarah Morgan, Paul Neville,  Peter Thomson and Trudy Worth are all delighted to be at your service, each having a passion about reinventing work.  If you are interested in knowing a little more about us, check our MyRSA profiles via the links 

Since taking over the helm from Francois Moscovici, we have been exploring how to advance the existing aspirations of the Network, related to Laloux’s reinventing organisations work.  We have also been discussing extending the remit of this Network to include other contemporary approaches that also lead to positive work.  We are keen to offer a balance of strategic and practical contributions to the Reinventing Work movement. 

Related to this, we are presently considering whether there is merit in expanding the Network’s stated purpose.  For example, could the power of the Network help to catalyse positive change at scale and beyond those that attend the Network events regularly?

Whilst exploring this idea, Peter and Sarah have been working on the next two events which we hope interests you.

On 23 October 2018 Peter will be hosting a virtual Zoom meeting for Fellows continuing the ‘Elephants in the Room’ exploration.  Fear not, you do not need to have attended the previous meetings to contribute to this one. Find out more here.   

As the festive season nears, Sarah has been organising our next face to face event to take place in London on 4 December 2018.  An informal networking occasion, we will use this gathering as an opportunity to share with you some of our more fully formed ideas for the future of the Network and to seek your views.  Merriment and mince pies guaranteed too. 

In the meantime, we would be delighted to hear your ideas and thoughts on why you value the Reinventing Work network and what you would like it to deliver in the future.  Email them to [email protected]  

We look forward to continuing the great work of Francois and his fellow volunteers in helping you to reinvent work.  

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  • A change of scenery, pace and research focus can be the best thing for the reinventing work life-balance – and a break from familiar surroundings can inspire, strengthen professional relationships and breathe new life into the Reineting Work network.

    [email protected]

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